Rurrenabaque Tour Spotlight #4

Its been awhile since we have posted.  Apologies for the momentary lapse, but we are back and hope to continue blogging about Bolivia’s Amazon Adventure destination Rurrenabaque.  We wanted to review the tour operator Bala Tours for this tour spotlight.

Bala tours is a trailblazer in the Rurrenabaque sustainable tourism industry, that is actually becoming more and more popular as tourists become more conscious of the impact’s their tours are having on the destination.  Bala Tour’s owner, Alcides Santalla, has worked for many years as a tour operator in this region.  He saw the opportunity to do tourism differently and go after a different type of tourist demographic apart from the normal backpacker market that everyone else targeted.  He created Bala Tours and invested in higher quality infrastructure and services for his clients.

Bala Tours offers some of the best services and infrastructure Rurrenabaque operators have to offer.  Their most popular product is the Pampas tour, where their lodge is the only operating company that offers more private accommodations in the Pampas.  Delicious food and a private bathroom in your room allows your stay in the Pampas to be more enjoyable and private.  They also offer tours to their lodge within the Madidi National Park, where tourists can explore the jungles of the Bolivian Amazon.

The prices for this higher level service are around the middle of the price scale between San Miguel del Bala and Chalalan.  Tours will cost around 80 dollars a day, but include everything except alcoholic beverages.  Bala Tours is a great option for the Pampas if you are looking for a bit more quality during your stay.

You can find more information on Bala Tours at their website…

You can book a tour or make inquiries here…

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